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Monday 21 March 2016

Girl Crush - Alexa Chung

Back again!

Being the procrastinator I am, I often find myself contemplating what I am actually doing with my life as I sit in bed, dark circles under eyes as a result of too much youtube, netflix, instagram and internet in general. However it was this afternoon, when I should've been doing homework or something useful with my time, I stumbled across a fashion documentary series by the one and only, Alexa Chung, that made me not ponder my life/ambitions/goals, but guide me as too what they could be, enabling to not contemplate and question, but dream and visualise.

Alexa has had many years of experience and is most probably the perfect person to start such a documentary series called Future Of Fashion. Her first series being so successful and having started a second one, she has a world wide and attentive audience. What's not to crush on? #galcrushmondays

I've binged watched all of these shows and found my calling. Alexa Chung has educated myself, as to what fashion really is. Not just a "dolly-bird in a dress", but a whole community, of creative and intelligent people. Fashion isn't what you wear, but an organised art-form. There is a business behind it and a brain behind the beauty. These episodes have inspired me do be apart of the global fashion community - doing what? - I'm unsure as of yet, but I do know that it is something I want to experience.

So in a round-a-bout way, what I"m trying to get at here is, find your Alexa Chung. Find someone or something that inspires you, gives you a purpose or just something that you want to aspire to.  Now go and be the best you. 
- Hannah xx

This girl is legit the cutest.

If you're like me, wondering if the field of fashion is the one of which you choose to work in, I would definitely watch the series here - Future Of Fashion 

Wednesday 10 February 2016

RE: Room RE-Vamp!

Hey all...
As you'd be able to tell from the post title, I've made drastic changes to my room (all for the better of course) and thought I'd share them with you and give helpful tips on how you can give your room a bit of a touch up too!

In one way you could say puberty hit my room. I've traded baby purple's and pinks for modern and adolescent whites. Grow your's up a bit by changing the colours. I personally prefer the grey, white and black themes on tumblr that look calming and look really cool irl, but if you like a room with a little extra, I'd try a bold red and white theme. 

Having lots of natural light in bedrooms definitely reduces signs of fatigue and stress, so open a window and let dat light shineeee

Study space is extremely important for the hardworking student, so making sure your desk stays organised and clear during the week is vital for dem A gradez. I have drawers for extra bits and bobs lying around that way my books can stay either in my bag or on my desk. Hope this helps! Comment your thoughts on different ways you might be able to re-vamp your room, I'd love your hear your ideas!

Later babes - Hannah xx

Friday 8 January 2016

The Best of Sydney #2

I'm back with not much new from Sydney today...
The Bondi Food markets were great with fresh produce and an indie sorta vibe, but it was after in Pigeonhole I made one of my favourite purchases, these cut off denims were once Levi's 501 (pictured below) and have been re-birthed into a cutie-pie pair of high-waisted shorts.

Pigeonhole is not only good a selling the best shorts in the world for an amazeballs price ($34 on sale!), but has an extensive collection of little knick knacks from sunnylife, a chill men's wear section and tiny little jewellery! 

Taken from my instagram hsquared

To shop this cutie from Pigeonhole click here
Until tomorrow - Hannah xx

Thursday 7 January 2016

The Best of Sydney

Well hello there,
I trust you've all had a marvellous start to 2016! Today I'm writing from SYDNEY! Which I'm super duper excited about because in this post I'm going to share with you my little trip away before school goes back and our lives are over lol.

DAY #1
Walked the dog to Bondi and passed some hip cafes that I'll check out later. The atmosphere is really chill here, made some friendly acquaintances on the way and I now think this is my new favourite city!

Taken from my instagram - hsquaredblog

I'll keep you updated on my journeys in this amazing city! - Hannah xx
Keep up with me on my insta - https://www.instagram.com/hsquaredblog/ 

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